Our specialists for your transports
Our services
Logistics know-how in many areas
We find a cost effective solution for any transport, from truck freight to ship and air freight, and that worldwide!
Heavy loads
We are specialists for project and heavy lift transports, true to our motto “From Road to Sea”, worldwide on land and water.
Ferry connections
We offer over 400 ferry connections throughout Europe. The perfect service if you need to book a ferry connection for your transport.
The JH Logistik Group
“From Road to Sea”
The JH Logistik Group has set itself the goal of offering its customers integrated logistics solutions from a single source. In order to achieve this, it needs logistics specialisations, both on land and on water.
JH Logistik GmbH offers the most cost-effective and professional solution for every type of transport, from truck freight to sea and air freight, worldwide.
JH Heavy Logistik GmbH is the specialist for project and heavy goods transport, especially for wind and crane systems, worldwide on land and water.
JH Ferry GmbH offers more than 400 ferry connections throughout Europe for standard, as well as oversized and heavy loads. The perfect service for trucks that need to book a ferry connection for their transport, whether planned for the short or long term. The service team is available around the clock. An invaluable advantage for the solution of short-term transport tasks. In spite of different shipping companies, the customer always has only one contact, JH Ferry.
The JH Logistik Group reflects the services and specialisations of the individual JH companies. Each unit works independently and within the group, in the interest of its customers, also together.
The JH Logistik Group is a team of enthusiastic logisticians who enjoy taking on challenges. “From Road to Sea”
Send us your inquiry
One of our specialists will contact you immediately!
You can trust us too!
Satisfied customers of JH Logistik Group
With our many years of experience in the field of transport, heavy haulage and ferry brokerage, we can look back on a broad portfolio of completed projects. Whether it is a “normal” truck transport, the transport of several wind turbines or large machines or the fast and reliable mediation of ferries for our customers, we always work for each customer with the highest demands on quality and service of the executed orders.
We have summarized a few examples of our work for you and you will also find a small selection of our satisfied customers. We hope that we can soon count you among our satisfied customers. If we could convince you, please contact us and we will make you an offer for your inquiry.
We move…
A selection of our projects
The companies of the JH Logistik Group

JH Logistik GmbH
Willy-Brandt-Allee 1
27753 Delmenhorst
T: +49 4221-28 911-0
F: +49 4221-28 911-22
JH Heavy Logistik GmbH
Willy-Brandt-Allee 1
27753 Delmenhorst
T: +49 4221-28 911-0
F: +49 4221-28 911-22
JH Ferry GmbH
Willy-Brandt-Allee 1
27753 Delmenhorst
T: +49 4221-983 45-0
F: +49 4221-983 45-22
JH Logistik GmbH
Wind turbines and project transports, truck transports, container inquiries, RoRo shipments, transport RUS and CIS, customs clearance, packaging and insurance
JH Ferry GmbH
Ferry bookings, heavy goods transport by ferry
+49 179 150 1929
In urgent cases outside office hours (only calls, no SMS)
JH Logistik GmbH
+49 4221-28911-0
Wind turbines and project transports, truck transports, container inquiries, RoRo shipments, transport RUS and CIS, customs clearance, packaging and insurance
JH Ferry GmbH
+49 4221-98345-0
Ferry bookings, heavy goods transport by ferry
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Your e-mails will continue to reach us, but you can currently only reach us by telephone on our mobile phones. You can find the mobile numbers of your contacts on our team page (link). If your contact person does not have a mobile number there, simply call another employee and you will be put through.